Last month we introduced Jisc’s research data management shared service project and asked for informal expressions of interest to gauge demand for institutions wanting to develop an RDM service in partnership with Jisc and our suppliers. As a result of the response we had to our call for informal EOI’s we are now launching a formal EOI process.
Jisc is looking for a number of HEI’s to partner with to develop, pilot and test the RDM shared service. Jisc is hoping to work with a range of institutions based on the interest expressed and we will take into account the size and type of institution, availability of varying types of data, their degree of RDM readiness, current use of institutional systems.
Benefits of working with Jisc in developing this service include:
- Institutionally branded RDM and research object repository solution
- Support policy compliance (EPSRC, OpenAIRE etc.) and best practice
- Institutional support to refine RDM requirements and implementation
- Focus on intuitive UI and ease of use for researchers
- Focus on interoperability between institutional and external research systems
- Extensible, open standards based approach
- Bit-storage archiving and data preservation
- New features from Jisc pilot services: Usage Statistics and metrics, UK Research Data Discovery Service
- Jisc manages system, relieving burden from institutional IT and procurement staff
- Comprehensive reporting on RDM
Support will be available to institutions to cover the costs of engagement in the project, such as travel and subsistence as well as the days of project engagement. Jisc will also provide non-financial support for project engagement, technical support and development, as well as facilitating collaboration and dissemination activity between pilot HEI’s and the wider community
The RDM Shared Service Participation of Pilot Institutions document covers the information that Jisc would encourage HEIs to consider when putting together their expressions of interest, lays out the expectations Jisc has for pilot HEI’s and the support available to them. It is essential that institutions submitting a formal EOI read this document before completing the form.
Process and timeline for Formal EOI’s
Institutions must read the RDM Shared Service Participation of Pilot Institutions document and complete the form for formal expressions of interest. The closing date for submissions is 7th December 2015
Institutions who have already submitted an Informal EOI may complete a shorter form to avoid duplicating information already supplied to Jisc.
It is anticipated that institutions will be informed about the results of selection in the week commencing 21st December 2015 with the intention of starting work with Jisc in January 2016.
Informal EOI’s
The informal expression of interest form will be kept open throughout the project to gauge further demand for institutions wanting to work with Jisc to develop, test and to be kept informed about the Shared Service. If your institution is interested in the service, but is not in a position to make a firm commitment at this moment, then you are welcome to submit an informal EOI.
Further information
Attendees at Jisc’s RDM Shared Service Workshop at Aston, Birmingham on 18th November will be able to ask questions about the EOI process and any other aspects of the project. This event is now at capacity, so if you can’t make it to the event, or would prefer to ask questions by email then please contact John Kaye, the Jisc project manager
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